Brandon Antinopoulos, PharmD, current Senior Program Manager, Community Programs and Adjunct Instructor of Pharmacy and Therapeutics, was elected to the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA) Board of Directors. He will serve as the Northwest Regional Director on the board for a two-year term.

“The work that PPA is doing now through its legislative efforts and advancing opportunities for pharmacists with PPCN is not to preserve, but instead usher in a new era of pharmacy practice,” says Antinopoulos. “I see PPA continuing the collaborative work, as one voice for all pharmacists, to advance sustainable patient care across Pennsylvania and lead the nation in this new era. It is an honor and a privilege to serve as the Northwest Regional Director on their board.”

Antinopoulos is a past president of the Allegheny County Pharmacists Association (ACPA) and an active member of PPA since first joining the association as a student in 2011. He has participated in several PPA programs and committees including Chair of the 2018-2019 Conference Committee. He has also collaborated with various pharmacy academics and practitioners across the state on numerous initiatives tied to the development of the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Care Network (PCCN).

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