
Yearly Updating of RxAmbassadors Web Page

Trigger for Webmaster: Receives finished spreadsheet from Student Services

Yearly, the RxAmbassador web page needs to be updated, taking out any RxAmbassadors who have graduated, adding any new RxAmbassadors, and updating any info as needed.

The webmaster needs two items for this to be done:

  1. A list of which RxAmbassadors are to be removed
  2. A spreadsheet the contains any new ambassadors, as well as any data changes for remaining RxAmbassadors.


This spreadsheet should be used for submitting any new RxAmbassador and any changed data. Note: all columns in the spreadsheet must contain data. There are no named columns that can be left blank.


The webmaster does these steps:

Import spreadsheet into the RxAmbassador Database. (local file)

Sort by last name

Open RxAmbassador web page in Dreamweaver

Cut and past HTML into the page



Monthly Update of Student Addresses

Trigger: On a monthly basis the school registrar will pull a report from the Student DataMart of PharmD student addresses.  This data is then used to update the RxSchool DB.

Historical note:  At one time, we kept three addresses for each student: the home address or “permanent address”, the campus address, and a preferred mailing address.  However, this was abandoned and replaced with the policy as stipulated here, as per the Director of Student Services:

After speaking with Marcia, she informed me that students are told during Orientation that the only address that the School of Pharmacy will recognize is their home address. If their home and mailing address differ in PeopleSoft, it doesn’t matter for our purposes. Therefore, it is conceivable that a student may receive official communication from the university (e.g. semester tuition bill) at their local mailing address and correspondence from us to their home (presumably parents’ home) address. I remind students to update their address(es) each semester, but I will begin framing the request moving forward in a way that reinforces the communication that their home address is the only one we use.