
Changing PharmD Student status within the RxStudent DB and other places across the school

Trigger: Students from time to time take leaves of absence or there are other reasons why data in RxStudent DB needs to be changed or deleted. Other places impacted by this data change would include: email distribution lists, Pittforms Qualtrix survey student lists (dropdown menu where students select their names)m class rosters, and group lists.


Prepare and Post PharmD Program Quality Indicators

Trigger: Susan Meyer provides a PDF of the correct data to Thomas Waters. This generally happens part way through the Fall semester each year.


  • Open PDF and add meta data [ add more detail about this step]
  • Add data needed for accessibility
  • Save PDF with the name “PharmD_Student_Success_and_Program_Quality_Indicators.pdf” Note: the file name must match exactly.
  • Go to the web site directory \programs\pharmd, save the old one as “old_[filename]
  • Put file into the web site directory of folders: “\programs\PharmD” note: to insure the correct file gets pushed out to the load balancing machines, first, delete the current version of the file. This deletion will cause the files to be deleted from the load balancing boxes. and then SFTP-PUT the current version to the PROD web server.
  • Test to make sure the correct file loads
  • Test the link in the web site’s navigation.
  • Test the link on the provost’s site ( to make sure it loads the correct file.