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Set Up Pitt Form DB for New Year

Look for three part names in 2022 and check Import All script

Clone previous year

change Table name.  Class of XXXX to the correct name both :All and :Blank

Delete all records in tables:

  • Qualtrics Export
  • ImportLog
  • Report

Create a record in the ImportLog table and set the time completed to some timestamp before any entries were added to Qualtrics

add the Quialtrics survey ID to Import Records script, line 24


Steps to Prep Syllabus Builder for a Coming Term

Receive list of courses and coordinators from Curriculum Comm Chair

Make sure the courses have them marked as coordinators

Make sure all coordinators are in the CDS group

Request Day/Time/place data from Registrar.

Change the value List “displayTerms” to have the correct options

Delete instructors and TA’s from sessions

Go into the Week table and make sure the weeks have the correct start day, and the correct semester/term designation.

** create tool for Registrar to upload that data into the Syllabus Builder**


Output data from Annual Review for Annual Report

There are a handful of items from the Annual Review process that get outputted for the Annual Report.

Some preliminary notes:

Make a copy of PharmSchool after the Annual Review process is all done. Rename this copy to be AnnualReport_the years. This copy can then be edited and info deleted without interfering with the actual data.

Two sets of output happen- a set of Grad Student data that goes to Maggie Folan, and the Annual Report data that goes t Sherri Peterson and Karen Wagner. The materials for Maggie are all exported as XLSX files. To do these go to these layout, search for Grad student, and then export as xlsx.

The rest of the info is about faculty data and gets sent to Karen and Sherri.


Find any publications which are book chapters or books edited. Export those as a FMP file for access later if needed. Then delete from the database.

Delete any that are listed as Graduate Student. Annual Report data is faculty only.

Find any publications that were “submitted” a well as any marked as “no” for peer reviewed. Delete these. You only need the accepted and published. for.

Find any where the PMID starts with a “9”. This is a fake PMID. Take the title, and go and look it up on PubMed. if you find a match, copy the PMID, then use the Annual Review “form” for that faculty member to add the publication manually with PMID. This will add it to their list. Then delete the one with the “9” Do this for all ones with a fake PMID. You may not find all of them.

Review the script “Bold No Adjuncts” open the list of faculty and compare it to a list of all faculty. Anyone who has joined the school in the previous 12 months may need to be added, and anyone who left can be removed if they were gone more than the year. Manually add names if needed.

Then with the publications table open, run the script to bold the names. Then sort by authors ascending, export as a Filemaker DB, exporting all fields in the Publications table. This puts them in alpha order.

Now delete all of the publications in the main publications table. Then import the ones you just exported. This will bring them back in alpha order and make the list be in the correct order.

Then do to the layout ” “. This will provide the full list in alpha order. Select all and copy it, then open a Word file and paste it into Word. Send this to Karen and Sherri.


Manage Mailman lists

This is a list of MailMan lists managed by Thomas Waters and used within the School of Pharmacy as email distribution lists

Some basic Info on Using a Mailman Server


Please note: For all Pitt Pharmacy Mailman lists, we use an address [somename] This is actually an email alias. the actual list is [somename] If you add a new list, ask TJ to add the email alias.

Steps for list management

  • review any message held for moderation, send through our discard. If spam, add to auto-reject list and check yes to ban subscribe.
  • review any requests for subscribe. id spam, discard, and click yes to ban subscribe

Student Lists

School Lists

Building Lists

CLIP Lists

Misc Lists


Adding Events to

This work spec covers adding events to the University calendar and ensuring the event is part of PittwireLive

The admin for PittPharmacy on is currently Thomas Waters, and Jan Shaw is the backup.When an event is added to the calendar, mark it to require registration. Then the Zoom (or other) link goes in the registration tab.

After it is added, send an email to Joseph Miksch and alert him and he will make sure the event is added to PittwireLive.

Useful links re: security on Zoom meetings:


Semester End Reports for PrimeRx

This workspace details the three reports that get generated at the end of each semester for PrimeRx.

  • P1 Semester PrimeRx Activities with # per activity
  • Semester activities by student
  • Students below 5 activities

Archiving FileMaker BackUps on Pharmacy Server

Trigger: Move files each month to the rxinformatics shared folder

Move the file for the fourth week of each month to rxinformatics and then delete back-ups on the server,


Add All Alum to Alumni DB

Trigger: Each July 1, request from the Alumni Coordinator a .csv file from the Advance DB. Request a list of all Pharmacy grads for the most recent graduation year.

You need the following fields of data in the .csv file:

  • ADV. ID The is the ID for the record in Advance
  • Degree

This file can be uploaded directly into the Alumni DB in the table Alumni_All

Then run the Filemaker script “Set Display Name” on the imported records.


Generating the PharmD Grids

For each term, “grids” are generated for the P1, P2, and P3 class using a template first created by Dr Howrie and most recently maintained by Jane Gilchrist. For Spring 2020, the grid generation was moved to the Curriculum DB/Syllabus Builder, so that they could be generated automatically. This workspace are the steps required for that process at least while the syllabus builder is still under development.

There are two sets of layouts for the Grids in the Curriculum DB- one is for use on-line, in the PYC meetings, and the other is designed to be printed out as a PDF. These PDF’s are then distributed via the student PoRxtal, and the Faculty and Staff intranet. The road map for this however, is to have the database feed Outlook calendars and/or Canvas directly and to eliminate the PDFs of the grids if and when the school is comfortable with that.

Timeline for the Grids

Grids are first produced directly before the PYC meetings, and distributed to all course coordinators and also the PYC’s. These are used in the P_YC meetings. Our goal would be to have the PYC’s affect and revise the grids in real time, in the meetings via the debase layout. However, there are revisions that require more coordination and these changes are added to the syllabus builder via the course coordinators after the PYC meeting is completed.

The final grids are produced around the week before the term ends, in preparation for the coming term. So, the Spring grids go on-line directly before the holiday break, and the Fall term grids go on-line in the Summer

Prep for PYC

Need to add this content

Prep for final grids

Send out reminder to course coordinators 1 week before plan to generate the grids. Remind them that all course sessions must be in the system by goal date

On day before printing draft final grid, walk through each grid and look fir conflicts- send emails to all coordinators for any course where there is a conflict. Email contains the details of the conflict. Ask coordinators to revise syllabus builder ASAP, and email me to confirm it has been changed or is OK as is.