PittPharmacy members Nupur Chaphekar, Beihong Ji, Peihao Fan, and Firuz Feturi completed the Frontiers in Addiction Research & Pregnancy Advanced Training Program San Diego, California, January 2020.

Frontiers in Addiction Research & Pregnancy is a NIH sponsored research education program that concentrates on a uniquely vulnerable population—pregnant addicts and their babies who suffer from drug withdrawal. The program is intended for medical and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows as well as clinical professionals. The purpose of this training program was to address the current difficult medical issues resulting from substance abuse during pregnancy and the encouraging strategies drawn from the basic research discoveries concerning addiction mechanisms which offer hope for improving treatments. FrARP brings the foremost leaders in substance abuse and addiction, pregnancy, NAS, and related biomedical fields together to provide research education and to offer one-on-one mentoring on scientific approaches and career development strategies.

Chaphekar is a PhD candidate in the Pharmaceutics track with Professor Raman Venkataramanan’s lab.

Ji is a PhD candidate in the Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology track with Associate Professor Junmei Wang lab.

Fan, is a PhD candidate in Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology track with Assistant Professor LiRong Wang’s Lab.

Feturi, is a Clinical Pharmaceutical Scientist and a Teaching Assistant at PittPharmacy with Professor Raman Venkataramanan’s lab.

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