Author: rmp40

Reimagine Health

Contact Tracing APPE

During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing is a method to help reduce the spread of the virus. Social distancing protocols are now being implemented as the country re-opens. Some people may be following these rules and some may not be.  This can create a false sense of security if the protocols are not being followed.…
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2020 0

MEDIvate – Medication Lists

PittPharmacy; w. Dr. Phil Empey  At discharge, patients leave with complex medication regimens, limited instruction, and a medication list different from the regimen known to providers. Solution went live and was testing in clinical setting  Outcome: Publication Journal of the American Pharmacists

2020 0

Community Pharmacy Models, Messaging

PittPharmacy; Blueberry Pharmacy  Community pharmacies are creating a shift for patients. Cost conscious consumers are looking for more from their pharmacies, which can provide more than just products. This new pharmacy partnered with students to test messaging, branding, and deployment logic for its launch early next year.  Outcome – Poster Presentation with the Pennsylvania  Pharmacists…
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2020 0

Smart Speaker Technology in Pharmacy

PittPharmacy; Technology Implementation Stakeholders  Smart Speakers are a growing consumer engagement method.  With close to one quarter of all homes connecting with these devices, pharmacy has limited leverage of this unique technology. Students and reviews the current landscape of technology for opportunities and possible methods for healthcare to leverage this unique consumer technology.  Outcomes: Student…
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2020 0

Augmented and Virtual Reality

PittPharmacy; School of Computing and Information  • Training in psycho motor skills are limited across health professions. This development has cross from Pharmacy skills in compounding to include surgical practice with screw placement.  • Presentation – International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare  (January 2019) 

2020 0