About SilverScripts

“They are so nice, we are all happy to see the young faces [student pharmacists].”

– Senior community member

About SilverScripts

Why is SilverScripts important? SilverScripts gives students a sneak preview of the responsibility a pharmacist has.

How does SilverScripts help student pharmacists? This helps students develop confidence in talking to patients. One of the main tasks daily for a pharmacist is consulting their patients.

Patient Education: Student Pharmacists educate their patients about their medications. This helps give patients a better understanding of why they are taking their medications and helps keep their health on track.

Meaningful Relationships for Patients and Student Pharmacists: The Student Pharmacists are learning from their patients. The Student Pharmacists come across new medications they haven’t heard of before. Patients also want to feel heard and important and when our Student Pharmacists show empathy, this helps make that possible for the patient.