
Generating the PharmD Grids

For each term, “grids” are generated for the P1, P2, and P3 class using a template first created by Dr Howrie and most recently maintained by Jane Gilchrist. For Spring 2020, the grid generation was moved to the Curriculum DB/Syllabus Builder, so that they could be generated automatically. This workspace are the steps required for that process at least while the syllabus builder is still under development.

There are two sets of layouts for the Grids in the Curriculum DB- one is for use on-line, in the PYC meetings, and the other is designed to be printed out as a PDF. These PDF’s are then distributed via the student PoRxtal, and the Faculty and Staff intranet. The road map for this however, is to have the database feed Outlook calendars and/or Canvas directly and to eliminate the PDFs of the grids if and when the school is comfortable with that.

Timeline for the Grids

Grids are first produced directly before the PYC meetings, and distributed to all course coordinators and also the PYC’s. These are used in the P_YC meetings. Our goal would be to have the PYC’s affect and revise the grids in real time, in the meetings via the debase layout. However, there are revisions that require more coordination and these changes are added to the syllabus builder via the course coordinators after the PYC meeting is completed.

The final grids are produced around the week before the term ends, in preparation for the coming term. So, the Spring grids go on-line directly before the holiday break, and the Fall term grids go on-line in the Summer

Prep for PYC

Need to add this content

Prep for final grids

Send out reminder to course coordinators 1 week before plan to generate the grids. Remind them that all course sessions must be in the system by goal date

On day before printing draft final grid, walk through each grid and look fir conflicts- send emails to all coordinators for any course where there is a conflict. Email contains the details of the conflict. Ask coordinators to revise syllabus builder ASAP, and email me to confirm it has been changed or is OK as is.