
What to do ifWordPress is unresponsive


Please remember to and CC me( Dennis Wakefield) as they are always there and can do these restarts.


EWI Web Site Not Responsive

Here is who to contact when an EWI web domain is unresponsive.,



Set Up Time Cards for Community Residents

Request that the leaving residents be deleted and the new residents added to the AD group: RX-FMS-CommunityResidents

Delete residents who have left

Export leaving residents time card records from the TimeCard Table

Add new residents to “Resident” table

make time cards for the current week for the new residents or any missing weeks


Yearly Changes to Residents

Each year, at the beginning of July, a new class of pharmacy residents begin.  The following steps need to happen regarding this:

  1. Remove leaving residents from email lists (rxschool, rxresident, pharmtherapeutics)
  2. Update residents who are remaining so they are now connected to the correct program.
  3. Delete leaving residents from the RxSchool DB
  4. Add new residents to RxSchool DB
  5. Add new residents to email lists (rxschool, rxresident, pharmtherapeutics)
  6. Revise the residency pages to have correct list of residents


Receive three spreadsheets from Residency coordinator- residents stating, arriving, leaving. Go into RxSchool DB and mark the remaining residents as MGT = “Stay.” Put the new program in the field::Notes.  for those residents who are leaving, set MGT =”Remove”

Take the “new residents” spreadsheet and turn it into a FMP database. Add these fields:

Type = Resident

Degree: PharmD

Title: Pharmacy Resident


Monthly RxStudent Address Update

Trigger: Monthly on a schedule, the registrar in Student Services does an export from the DataWarehouse/PeopleSoft and updates matching records in the RxStudent database.

Export of data process:


Import to RxStudent process:

  1. Rename columns to match DB

Rename the fields:

Rename Peoplesoft ID to PeopleSoft_ID (must include the underscore)

“Home Address….” to “Paddress1, PAddress2, PCity, PState, PZip” (no spaces in the names)

Rename the fields “Mailing…” to “CAddress1, CAddress2, CCity, CState, CZip””

2)  Drag and open in FMP save as FMP file, then close.  (It needs to be sitting on your desktop)

3) Open the RxStudent DB

4) Select Script under Scripts:StudentServices: Update Address Information

5) Close RxStudent

6) Delete The Address Report DB you created in #2


Prep PharmSchool for Annual Review

2019 Notes: 

New process: for these things after close of the Annual Review period

Note these could most likely all recombined into a single FMP script- or have one script call and do each these.

  • delete AR fields (script is:Prep_AnnualReviewTable)
  • delete publications (script is deletePublicationAndJoinRecords())
  • delete presentations (Script is deletePresentations())
  • delete awards (script is deleteAwards())
  • export id_persons
  • run script to update Goals records (script is:  )
  • use the id_persons to make new:
    • AR records
    • AR calc records

Do this whenever new faculty or grad student begins

  • Add need related records

Do this About April 20 to prep for new Annual Review season

  • Check list of faculty and grad students and make sure there are AR records for each 
  • Confirm with web person that the intranet page is updated with correct due dates.

How to do an export of all Faculty and all GradStudents

  • Import to the Annual Review table for these persons
    • Fields to import:
      • id -> id_Person
  • Use id_Person as a match field to update existing records, make sure to check “add new records

Below is all old instructions replaced by above.


  • Delete all records in the presentations table


  • Delete all records in the publications table
  • Delete all records in the person_publications table

Goals (Faculty)

Export Goals to new table and do these things:

  • Change field names
  • Progress to old_progress
  • Text to progress
  • Create/run script to change year to current year

In PharmSchool

delete all Goals records

import these fields from the new table

  • id_Person
  • Progress
  • Year

AR Fields

  • Find all AR records
  • Run script  “AR Prep Set Competed”
  • set field year to current year (not yet in a script)

notes: 2019 add steps that include a script to make the PDF and save it to an archives file.


Move Graduating Grad Students to the Alumni DB

NOTE May 2020- I’m making a transition DB to use for this process each year.




Mark the students to be moved in PharmSchool



Export all [mgt = k OR move] as a FMP DB

Use the People table, the directory table and the Grad student table.

Export the photos!!!

In PharmSchool, find mgt = move, and delete these records

Import into the Alumni table

fields to match:

  • nameFirst (Person)
  • nameMiddle (Person)
  • nameLast (Person)
  • Advisor (Graduate Student)
  • degree entering (Direcory)
  • univID (Person)
  • awards (Graduate Student)
  • publications (Graduate Student)
  • presentations (Graduate Student)
  • degreeDisplay ** 
  • photoContainer (Directory
  • what about clan pharm sci ????

Need to set grad year to current year

Need to set degree display to the degree they are graduating with (Same as Grad Program??)

Need to look up by name and get the dissertation/Thesis links and titles to add these.


Student Election for Class President and Officers

Trigger: Current Class Presidents initiate a call for candidates in the Spring, in compliance with the policy and procedures listed in the PharmD Student Handbook.

A list of candidates is provided as a Word file.  The steps below are how to get that content ready for the students to vote:

The person posting has to be added as an instructor to a course for the professional year in question. This is important- if added as a course builder or even a TA, you may not have enough privs.

In CourseWeb, go into the course and select “Course Tools” in the left hand nav area.

Select “Tests, Surveys, and Pools”

Select “Survey”

Remember, that the class president election is select one answer.  and the class representatives is a select two answers.

Select Build survey. Add a name, description and instructions, then “submit.”

In the “Instructions, add a sentence about the election survey must be completed in one sitting, so do not begin until you are ready to complete it. There is just one question so it should take only a few minutes.

Then create a question. The type is based on which office you are using the poll for. May be Multiple Choice or Multiple Answer.

Once finished, go to Course Documents and add the survey there.

Check with course support about this step. I thought by setting the date to make it visible it would automatically become visible- or do you need to check “make available” for it to show up automatically?

Then, click on the “eyeball” icon to preview in student view- this will only work after the time it is supposed to be available.

To get the results, select “Full Grade Center”, scroll over to the column on the far right. It may be hard to tell which is the correct column because it doesn’t show many letters of the name, but it is likely to be the far right or near the far right. You can click the chevron and choose “quick column  info.” to confirm you have the right one. Click the chevron and choose “attempt statistics.”


Monthly Notifications Reminder

Trigger: Do this on a monthly basis– currently set for the last Tuesday of the month

  1. Open a plain text file to collect the content. Add to it the title and URL’s for the last five news stories in ePittPharmacy.

Example: Meet Rebecca Wytiaz: PittPharmacy Students Well Represented on PPA Board (

  1. Open an email window
  2. Cut and paste your plain text from #1 into the body of the email.
  3. Paste the following ABOVE this content

Paste this content:

The notification form is a simple to complete web form to alert the School about awards, honors or other professional experiences you have had that may be newsworthy. The data collected is used for the annual report, honors convocation, and may be used in the PittPharmacy magazine, ePittPharmacy site, or other communications.

Notification Form: (

/end paste

Note the text above was edited by the communications team.

Here are the email settings to use:

  1. Address message TO:
  2. ReplyTo:
  3. Email subject: Pitt Pharmacy Notification Reminder
  4. Make all of the text “Plain text” before proceeding to remove any extraneous formatting
  5. Go into the Body of the email and BOLD each news story title
  6. Send email

Sample Message:

The notification form is a simple to complete web form to alert the School about awards, honors or other professional experiences you have had that may be newsworthy. The data collected is used for the annual report, honors convocation, and may be used in the PittPharmacy magazine, ePittPharmacy site, or other communications.
Recent Notifications:

Thomas Waters
Director of New Media
Pitt School of Pharmacy
Pronouns: He, Him, His

Telnet test for open ports

These notes were added after having an issue with downloading container content from a Filemaker WebDirect connection.But they are applicable to testing any connectivity issue between boxes.

Open ports test via Telnet, this should show us if we are able to communicate between the two servers across the FileMaker ports.

I found a links with the Telnet instructions below:
– Lets check the ports going from Database Server to Web Server first.
– Check to following ports 80, 443 and 5003. Then swap to Web Server and test the connection to Database server.